
Varsity Sailing Team Wins Octagonal Meet

Three victories and two second place performances in seven races gave the Crimson sailing team a 51 to 49 upset win over the University of Rhode Island in the "Raven Octagonal," held Sunday at New London, Conn.

Amherst, W.P.I., Coast Guard, Dartmouth, Middlebury, and Williams followed in that order.

Jimmy Nathanson was the varsity's winning skipper. His crewmen were Dave Cabot, John Newhall, and Addison Closon.

Saturday at M.I.T., the varsity was edged into second place by Middlebury, 33 to 32, in the season's second "M.I.T. Quadrangular."

Freshman sailors yesterday led five other teams to the finish line at Tufts. The host team, M.I.T., Northeastern, Babson, and Holy Cross trailed the Yardlings.
