
Reserves Falter But Crimson Ten Defeats BLC 12-7

Lack of depth again plagued Coach Bruce Munro as the varsity ten beat an improved Boston Lacrosse Club 12 to 7 Saturday on the Business School Field.

The B.L.C., holstered by additional players and an All-American goalie, could give little opposition to a better conditioned and coordinated Crimson squad until Munro called on his tyro reserves. Then the roof fell in as the B.L.C. scored four goals in less than three minutes.

The locals jumped to a 3 to 0 lead in the first period with goals by Todd Goodwin, Phil Waring, and Monk Aiello, and continued an midfielders Skip Baldwin and Fred Horween added counters.

Munro allowed his first string midfields to open the third period, but after they had added four goals, the score now standing at 9 to 1, he substituted his third and fourth lines. The lightning four goal onslaught by the B.L.C., however, forced him to recall his regulars.

In the fourth period, the Crimson added three goals as the Lacrosse Club tallied twice to end the game, 12 to 7.


Harvard was leading 5 to 0 before Pete Brook of the B.L.C., former varsity midfielder, scored at 14:20 of the first half. Brook scored two more goals, both unassisted, in the fourth quarter, to lead his team's scoring.
