
Lasky, Ciardi, Handlin Will Discuss Free Speech at Law School Forum

In an effort to assess the results of recent Congressional investigations of colleges, the Harvard Law School Forum will present a discussion of "Limitations on Free Expression" at New Lecture Hall tonight at 8 p.m.

Speakers include Victor Lasky, John Ciardi, and Oscar Handlin. Al Capp will serve as moderator.

Lasky is the co-author, with Ralph de Toledano, of "Seeds of Treason," a study of the Hiss case, and wrote the script for "The Hoaxsters," a film short exposing Communist techniques.

Handlin, associate professor of History, was awarded the Pulitizer Prize for history for "The Uprooted." He is now working on a study of the American in the 20th century.

The third speaker, Ciardi, is Briggs-Copeland Associate Professor of English Composition. He is the author of many volumes of poetry, including "From Time to Time," and is now working on a translation of Dante's "Inferno," planned for publication in 1954.


The discussion replaces a forum planned previously to debate "Communism in Hollywood." Howard Fast, American novelist, was scheduled to appear, but the forum committee unexpectedly cancelled his appearance and chose a new topic for discussion.
