
Ufford Tops Squires For Second Straight Singles Squash Title

Charlie Ufford climaxed three years of undefeated varsity squash yesterday, stopping Williams' Dick squires for the second straight year in the finals of the Intercollegiate Singles Tournament.

Ufford's victory was practically a foregone conclusion, but on one expected him to win as handily as he did since Squires had played brilliant squash throughout the tournament. The Crimson star got off to a 7-0 lead in the opening game and was never in trouble as he won 15-4, 15-9, 15-11.

The other three Crimson entries all put on surprisingly good showings. Larry Brownell tripped up third-seeded Art Potter of Navy in the first day of play for the upset of the tourney before losing out on Saturday to Yale's semi-finalist, Blair Murphy.

Dave Watts came within two points of outsting Squires in the quarter finals, but eventually lost 15-12, 15-11, 13-15, 15-13.

After losing out in the second round, Hadden Tomes entered the consolation tournament and reached the finals, but lost to Potter 10-15, 15-13, 15-12, 15-11.
