
Ike Opposes Plan To Extend Draft Service Duration

President Eisenhower yesterday came out strongly against extending draft service from 24 to 30 or 36 months, as recommended by General James A. Van Fleet.

The President, stating his position in response to a question at a press conference, did not elaborate other than to say that, under the present circumstances, he felt the two-year service was long enough.

Van Fleet made his suggestion before the House Armed Services Committee, the House Armed Services Committee, saying that additional time from an extension would "better prepare our boys" to live through combat by giving them a more thorough basis training.

Also Opposes Hershey

"We can win in Korea," Van Fleet told the congressmen, but "it must be a military victory." The only way to achieve such a victory, he continued, is to give our soldiers "a little more of what it takes to fight--battle training."


Van Fleet's views also oppose those of Draft Director Lewis B. Hershey, who stated at the end of January that he was against proposals for lengthening the draft requirement for 24 to 36 months.
