
Accessories Range From Original to Incredible

Although she may shudder at the new silhouette, the whole vast field of Accessorizing is still open to Radcliffe girl, why should she drag herself to Filene's basement when she can so easily succumb to the lore of a fashion magazine? The right accessory can turn a trump into a Mamie Eisenhower, a Princess Margaret into a Loroli Lee, and add a few stars to the moonglow of a Cinderella.

This modern age has swamped the aspiring beauty with a dazzling treasure to glitter. Indeed, this is but a glorified hangover from primitive cultures. Why even the Ubangi maidens, frolicking around the breadfruit trees, knew the value of the earhoop. Civilization has reduced the size but this season offers mobiles, ceramics, circlets, danglers, buttons, and enamelled flowerettes.

There's no need 40 rely on that overworked standby--the pearl. Be original! Be sporting! Why not amble into a sporting goods store and deck your ears with a realistic fish spinner, in sparkling cubist colors--guaranteed to get any date to bite.

And by the way, don't throw away that pearl. Dye, it string it and it will provide that extra needed color account to your little black dress. The dog collar is still with us, vying with classic links and pendants for the fashion spot. Our model wears engine-turned golden links with her Carmen hoops.

The gypsy touch is just as alluring on your arm. Not only will rows of jangling bangles signal your approach, they'll also sparkle your appearance. Chunks are advised for the less aggressive.



Last fall, it was a cinch to cinch yourself. This spring your dirndl cries for a waist-whittling belt, of even wider and more alluring contours. After extensive tests, our model hit upon shiny cowhide contrasted strikingly with even-textured cottons. Departures from standard materials--straw, dog-leases, and metal--will spice up informal, summery outfits.

Imagine Lady Godiva in the Easter Parade--she wouldn't be without a chapeau to top her ensemble. Your red oilskins may go very well with rain, but you shouldn't be blind to the flattery the right shape can add; the sailor hat, the princesse, the cloche, the cartwheel, the turban, the coolie-surely one of these set off your face. Of course, if your desire softness and subtley, you can luxuriate in flowers, fruits feathers, wires fauna, flora, and rope.

The Bull

Surely you remember the Continent. But why have memories? Saunter in to afternoon tea or stretch out on the sands in toreador pants--close-fitting, high-waisted, utterly suitable for casual entertainment. Return from the beach and shed your tappa cloth: shantung in any style takes away the taint of informality. It goes anywhere in cool evenings.

To go anywhere, naturally, you have to wear shoes. This season the opera pump is eclipsed by the dressier models; cutouts, sandals, multi-fabrics, button 'n' beaus, colors (brilliant, shocking, startling, and good old reliable navy). Tennis shoes for classes, for tennis, yes, but be in step--you need bright accents on your feet to complement the severe lines of this season.

Satchel Suggestions

Say, it you're leaving Cambridge for the weekend, don't jumble all your pretties, Do as Ethel Merman does. Get a satchel. Polished, always correct, patent leather is our suggestion.

The again, by the time you have read this column, you may have decided to conform. Don't let us disappoint you. Our tips may be more effective when teamed with this year's string-bean lines. Yet they'll certainly spike any old lore in the closet.
