
House Sextets Play All-Star Test Today

On the House

Two all-star House hockey teams will play this morning at the Skating Club; the Rincharts of Leverett, Lowell, Dudley, and Kirkland meet the Wintergreens selected from Eliot, Dunster, Winthrop, and Adams.

Kirkland House's intramural squash and basketball champions defeated their Yale counterparts in both sports at New Haven over the weekend.

The Kirkland quintet topped Berkeley College 57 to 44. The defeat was only the Elis second loss in four seasons. Jim Urdan and Sonny Woodman were high scorers for the Deacons, netting 15 and 13 points respectively.

The squash team, playing without their first man, Berk Johnson, defeated Calhoun College 3 to 2. Alex Gottschalk, Bob Hartley, and Gene Mann won matches for the Deacons.

Kirkland and Eliot swimmers will compete for the intramural swimming championship tonight at 7:30 p.m. in the indoor Athletic Building.


Dunster, Winthrop, and Adams remain undefeated with two wins each in the intramural volley ball league.
