
Arena Sale Completed; Ice Future Endangered

Three Month Dispute Ends With Purchase By Business Group

The ice melted at the Boston Arena last night, and as it went down the drain, so did most hopes of continuing House and varsity hockey next year on their present level.

After three months of furor, the Arena has finally been sold, the group of New York businessmen who have held an option on the property since mid-December. The businessmen will probably convert the St. Botolph Street sports center into a factory.

"The Arena is now a thing of the past," said Eddie Powers, manager of the Garden corporation which, runs the Arena.

He said the Arena, scene of the city's greatest sports events until the Garden was opened in 1928 will probably be remodelled. No sales price was given but it was estimated at about $250,000.

Announcement Unexpected


The announcement was somewhat surprising, inasmuch as at last word, the businessmen had delayed picking up their option until April 2.

Meanwhile, a bill for the Arena's purchase by the state is still pending in the Massachusetts House. In order to retain the structure as a schoolboy and college sports center, the State, through the Metropolitan District Commission, must now buy it from the businessmen.
