
2500 Pints Goal For Blood Drive

Solicitations for the P.B.H. Blood Drive, headed by Alan I. W. Frank '56 and D. Lawrence Corser '54, will get under way today. The goal. is 2500 pins of blood to be donated by students and citizens is the Cambridge area. This goal is 400 pints more than has ever been collected in drives anywhere in the United States. Because of the use of gamma globulin in the fight against polio, the Red Cross needs one million pints more than last year.

The crew of 145 solicitors intends to meet the quota when the pledged blood donations are collected during the last week in April. A person may give blood with complete safety every two months. Those who participated in the last drive, December 8-12, need not worry about signing up to give again in April, five months later.
