

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I write to express my regret at the somewhat misleading form of your headline, "Bundy Proposes Individual Treatment of Investigations," in this morning's CRIMSON, Since Harvard, under the leadership of Provost Buck, has already adopted a policy of "individual treatment," I could hardly have been proposing it. I simply explained in answer to a question, why I believe this to be the right course, and in making my explanation I specifically called attention to the fact that it is the course Harvard is already following.

Let me add, while I am complaining, that while I am grateful for the credit line, I cannot claim to be the originator of the phrase, "It is ideas, not rested interests, which are dangerous for good or evil." The phrase belongs to the late Lord Keynes, as I pointed out in borrowing it. McGeorge Bundy   Associate Professor of Government
