
Dean McIntosh Urges Scholars Be Realists

Dean Millicent Carey McIntosh of Barnard College last night called for utilization of the values of scholarship in dealing with contemporary realities. She addressed a meeting of the Radcliffe Phi Beta Kappa chapter held in Agassiz Living Room.

The meeting was held to mark the initiation of six juniors recently elected, and six seniors elected last fall, into the national honor society. The initiates were welcomed by President Wilbur K. Jordan of Radcliffe and Sidney B. Fay '96, professor of History, emeritus, and President of the Phi Beta Kappa Association of Greater Boston.

Margaret S. Bryan '53 and Karen N. Silverblatt '53 shared the prize annually awarded to the senior achieving highest academic standing during the first semester of the final year. Also present at the meeting were 40 non-member students.
