
Petition Supports Girl Cheerleaders For Five's Games

Backers of a plan to introduce Radcliffe cheer leaders renewed their efforts yesterday, and received administration approval of a petition to be circulated in the Houses and Union.

John W. Hurst '56 and Dwight L. Holloway '56, co-chairmen of a committee of 14 interested students, received the go-ahead on their petition, which asks Students Council reconsideration of the plan. Approval was granted by Dean Robert B. Watson.

The next move, Hurst said, will be to gain approval of the Housemasters. "We hope to get as many names as possible," he added. At present, it is hoped circulation of the petitions will begin Monday evening at dining halls.

Basketball Games Only

The petition reads: "We, the undersigned, hereby affirm our interest and support of a proposal for selected Radcliffe students to represent Harvard as official cheerleaders at freshman and varsity basketball games only. This petition will be presented to the Student Council."
