
Nathanson Selected Sailing Commodore

James Elzar Nathanson '54, of Quincy and Leverett House was elected commodore of the Yacht Club Wednesday.

Nathanson the top skipper in New England, will automatically become captain of the varsity sailing team, defending national champions.

Other officers elected were: Timothy M. Brown '54, vice-commodore; Frederic G. Hoppin, Jr. '56, secretary; John B. Newhall, II '54, treasurer; David J. Robbins '55, race committee chairman; Addison W. Closson, Jr, '55, member at- large; and Gordon R. Beggs '56, freshman officer.

Nathanson posted an .875 percentage during the fall season, to lead all New England skippers. His teammate, retiring commodore Charlie Hoppin, was second with .841. The figures are the ratio of points actually won to the total points a skipper could possibly have gained.
