
Gen Ed A Will Advance Outstanding Freshmen

Second Hour Group Eliminated in Spring

About 100 outstanding freshmen will be placed in smaller, more advanced sections for General Education Ahf during the spring term.

At the same time, freshmen who are currently taking Gen. Ed. in the special twice-a-week program this fall will be moved up into the regular one-hour-a-week sections, Harold C. Martin, head of the half course, said yesterday.

According to Martin, an advanced class was first contemplated last spring and was followed up this fall.

We wanted to put those men where they would be stimulated. But we haven't outlined the exact course requirements for the spring term yet," Martin added.

The students who will enter the advanced sections in the spring term will have more difficult, but not more numerous assignments.


"The Gen. Ed. sections this term, particularly those twice weekly sessions, were very successful," Martin said yesterday.

If it is possible to determine early enough which entering freshmen are outstanding and would benefit from the advanced work, the special course would be applied through the whole freshman year, Martin said.

About 90 entering freshmen, all considered behind in basic English, were placed in the twice-a-week Gen. Ed. session this year on the basis of college entrance board examinations.

"It worked out well," Martin said yesterday. "We found only about five or six of those men who didn't need the extra help, and we quickly jumped them into the regular weekly sections. We feel the ones who were attending the double sections are ready for the lighter schedule now."
