
Organizations Set To Make Reply to McCarthy Charge

Representatives of seven student groups last night unanimously agreed on a joint statement replying to Senator Joseph R. McCarthy's charge of Communism in the University.

The statement still must be ratified by the members of executive committees of the respective organizations and will not be released until it gets this assent. This is expected before the end of the week.

Last night's was the first meeting of the Student Council Committee of Undergraduate Organization on Academic Freedom, an ad hoc group set up last April by the Council to speak for undergraduates on issues arising from Congressional investigations of communism at Harvard.

The committee voted to meet again next Monday to discuss possible further action and make recommendations for action by the Council.

Twelve Groups Invited


Twelve groups were originally invited to attend the meeting by Chairman Anthony C. Beilenson '54, who represents the Council. Six either failed to appear or decided not to take part. Of these, four were religious groups: Hillel, the Episcopal Society, the Catholic Club, and the Christian Scientist Society, which decided that they did not wish to take political stands. The other two were Students for Non-Violent Action and the World Federalists.

Those participating in the meeting were the Liberal Union, the Young Republican Club, the Young Democrats, the Society for Minority Rights, the United Nations Council, and the CRIMSON. With the Council this makes seven.
