
Manager Millett Hits Charges on Alleged Scalping

Undergraduate football manager Francis N. Millett, Jr. '54, replying to the charges of a recent graduate about ticket scalping by a manager, said last night that the "implications made regarding the football community are absurd and not worthy of comment."

Millett answered the letter of Neale C. Bringhurst '51, which is on page two of today's issue.

Bringhurst's letter said that a football manager had advertised two of his Dartmouth managerial tickets on a House bulletin board and had tried to sell them for $11.00.

"He told me," said Bringhurst, "that the seats were excellent--halfway up on the 50 yard line; and that he was always able to get such good seats as he was one of the football managers.

"However, this entrepreneur wanted $11.00 for the tickets. He informed me that he was not alone among the football managers in engaging in the practice of scalping. That's the way we make our money,' were his words.


"The HAA offers extra tickets to managers and others of the football community, relying upon the honor system that the tickets will be honestly used. But no honor system will work when honor in some of the individuals using it is non-existent. And these students, who have no other thought than their own personal enrichment, deserve to have theier status as members of the University severely questioned," Bringhurst concluded.

"The implications made regarding the football community" are absurd and not worthy of comment," Millet said last night.

"My position as undergraduate manager of football makes it mandatory that I report this matter to proper authorities and wait their decision upon this individual," Millett added, referring to any action against the manager.
