
Crimson Booters Oppose Wesleyan

With three starters in doubtful condition, the varsity soccer team takes on Wesleyan in a toss-up contest at Middletown this afternoon.

Right wing Bill Lingelbach missed the Boston University game on Wednesday because of a cold and will not be in top shape. Stacy Holmes, right inside, sprained an ankle against the Terriers and may not play at all. Fullback Juan Rodriguez is hampered by a bad leg that will hold him up considerably if he sees action.

Although the Crimson might be a slight favorite when at full strength, Wesleyan rates an even chance in this afternoon's game. Bruce Munro figures on opposition tougher than Williams, but not as tough as Trinity. The Crimson topped Williams 2-1 in overtime, but lost to Trinity 3-1.

If all three of the questionable starters are able to play, the lineup will remain unchanged. Pete Briggs will be in the goal with Rodriguez and Charlie Platt at the fullbacks. Bob Dean, Rusty MacIntosh, and Alex Haegler will be at the halfback posts.

Marv Weiss will center the line, with Holmes and Bob Lloyd at insides and Lingelbach and Godfrey Truslow on the wings. Weiss and Haegler will probably trade positions off and on.
