
Wilson, Capp Discuss Gabor, Other Women

Magda Gabor, Al Capp, and Earl Wilson will examine the extent and breadth of "The American Girl" in a Law School forum tonight. The three experts will examine her assets in Sanders Theatre in a symposium at 8:00 p.m.

Miss Gabor made her last appearance on the local scene when she landed from a helicopter last spring to give the first pint in a Harvard blood drive.

Earl Wilson, a leading proponent of the female figure, writes a syndicated column on night-life on and off Broadway. It is not known whether he will take the pro or con on the American Girl.

Al Capp, creator of "L'il Abner," appeared at a Law School forum last fall on the subject of humor. Capp said at that time that Richard Nixon was the funniest man in the country.
