
Soc. Rel. Makes Change in System Integrating Field

Starting next fall, the Social Relations department will combine two of its four fields of specialization and inaugurate a new system of course classification, Head Tutor Joseph A. Kahl announced yesterday.

The only major requirement change, however, will find Personality and Social Psychology covered in one departmental exam. Besides the compulsory general exam covering the entire field, students now have a choice of four areas for their specialized examination. The new rules will limit the choice to three.

The new classificatory scheme will divide courses in sociology, cultural anthropology, social and personality psychology into three areas: introductory, intermediate, and advanced.

More Technical

Students will be encouraged to take all of the introductory courses in their sophomore year. The intermediate group will have no prerequisites, but the advanced courses will be geared at a higher technical level than at present.


"Many students in their last year felt they were learning nothing new." Kahl said, "so by organizing the curriculum into categories, we will be better able to improve instruction at the advanced level."

The new plan is partly based on results of a questionnaire distributed to concentrators last spring.
