
Annex Completes Plan For Inter-Dorm Meals After Decanal Vetoes

'Cliffe dorm residents will now be able to eat in different dorms without red tape, due to University approval of a Radcliffe Council recommendation. A system of inter-dorm eating went into effect last night for the first time at the 'the 'Cliffe.

The new system permits three guests in each dormitory for every formal meal; they must be signed up by 5:30 p.m. that same day. For more than three guests, the old exchange system is still in effect except for Saturday nights, when unlimited guests are allowed.

Few people, took advantage of interdorm eating in the past, because of the prohibitive nature of the old system. It provided that if a girl wanted to eat in another dorm, she had to have someone take her place at her own. The Dean's Office vetoed this same plan early last spring.

Dole Gilmore, President of the Class of '53, and Janet Titus, President of the Class of '55, had worked on the new oating plan for almost a year.
