
Intramural Football Begins With Two Encounters Today

House football opens officially today with last year's championship Leverett House eleven facing Dudley, and Winthrop playing Kirkland House on the House football fields.

The Dudley-Leverett game, in which the Bunnies will be heavy favorites, will begin at 3 p.m., with the Kirkland-Winthrop contest scheduled for 4 p.m.

The Puritans were runners-up to Leverett last year, while the Deacons finished in a tie for fourth. Winthrop has been considerably weakened this year, however, by the loss of many of last year's key men.

Adolph W. Samborski '26, Director of Intramural Athletics, indicated yesterday that particular stress will be placed this year on the rule requiring that all House football players participate in practice or games three times a week.

Yesterday's Dudley-Leverett soccer game was postponed indefinitely because of rain. Eliot will face Lowell in soccer this afternoon.
