
100 on Faculty Backing Stevenson in Globe Ad

200 Others Expected to Sign Today for Full-Page Endorsement of Dem. Candidate

Over 100 faculty members have already contributed to a newspaper advertisement endorsing Adlai Stevenson for President, and at least twice that number are expected to sign the statement before tonight's deadline, it was learned yesterday.

Seymour E. Harris '20, professor of Economics, who is in charge of the drive, said that the advertisement, to appear Friday in the Boston Globe, is essentially a reduplication of the one signed by 340 Columbia professors in the New York Times two weeks ago.

Signatures of professors from the other colleges and universities around Boston will also appear on this statement. Harris is asking each signer for a $3 contribution to help pay for the $3,000 cost of the ad. If the total is not met, whatever money subscribed will go to the Volunteers for Stevenson, he stated.

Joint Idea

The Globe advertisement is the joint idea of Archibald MacLeish, Boylston Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory, and Max Shoolman '41 of the Volunteers for for Stevenson.


"Harvard has the largest liberal faculty in the area and should be expected to turn in the most contributions," Shoolman said. "Unfortunately B.U. is mostly Republican, but a rewarding note is that the Wellesley political science department is solidly behind Stevenson."

In addition to the local campaign, Shoolman said that Professor Robert Brooks of Williams is heading a similar drive among professors at Williams, Amherst, Smith, Mount Holyoke, and the University of Massachusetts to publish a statement in a Springfield paper.


A few days after the Columbia statement on Stevenson, another, endorsing Eisenhower, appeared in the Times with 714 signatures of Columbia employees affixed to it. According to the New York Post, the second statement was misleading because most of the signatures were those of clerical workers, groundsmen, and other non-teaching employees. Few faculty members signed the statement, the Post said.

The original Stevenson ad endorsed the governor for his "affirmative foreign policy . . . clearly stated domestic policy . . . experience as a civilian administrator . . . his successful fight against corruption" and his record against both communism and McCarthyism.

In discussing Stevenson's views on McCarthyism the statement said: "and he disdains to fraternize with those who use the smear for cheap political advantage. He understands that irresponsible denunciation is itself a subversive act."
