
Chorus Will Sing Modern, Baroque Music in Sanders

Next Wednesday evening the 55 members of the Harvard Summer School Chorus will perform at Sanders Theatre at 8:30 p.m., and according to their director, Eliot Forbes, "my chorus sings better if there's a good audience."

The program includes two Bach cantatas, two choruses from Handel's Jeptha, and some sacred songs by Sweelinch.

Robert Delaney's "John Brown's Song", the focal point of the program, was first introduced by G. Wallace Woodworth, previous head of the Harvard Glee Club, 20 years ago. Mr. Forbes, who thinks "the piece is a beauty" is reviving it now for the first time.

"The Last Words of David," by Randall Thompson, professor of Music, was first performed by the Berkshire Music Center Chorus and the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Serge Koussevitzky in 1949. It is making its debut at Harvard on Wednesday.
