
Eleven Awarded Annual Prizes From Essay Endowment Funds

Eleven winners of endowed thesis and essay prizes for the year 1950-51 were announced yesterday by Sargent Kennedy '28, Registrar.

Arthur Walker Bingham '51 and John Lovell Moore '51 will share in the income from the James Gordon Bennett Prize fund. Bingham's essay was entitled, "The Congressional Elections of Vito Marcantonio," while Moore wrote on "Good Reason, Bad Reason, No Reason at All: A Study of Florida Politics."

Income from the Philo Sherman Bennett Prize fund will go to Burton Norman Bromson '51 for his essay, "Benjamin Nathan Cardozo: An Analysis of Philosophical, Legal, and Political Thought." Kurt Philip Tauber 4G has won the Chase Prize for his thesis, "The Foundations of the Doctrine of Self-Defense." The Summer Prize will go to Karl Wolfgang Deutsch 5G for an essay entitled, "Nationalism and Social Communication."

John Hans Kautsky 4G has won the Toppan Prize for writing on "The Social and Political Thought of Karl Kautsky." "The Round Table: A Study in Liberal Imperialism" won John James Conway 6G the Delancy K. Jay Prize of $300. Richard Jackson Barnet '52 won $250 from the George B. Sohier Prize fund for his thesis on "Blok and the Twelve."

Bechtel Prize


The Bechtel Prize winner in Francis Barker 2G whose essay was entitled "A Study of Phenomenalism." The Francis Bowen Prize will go to Irving Singer 2G for "The Role of Valuation in John Dewey's Theory of Value." Jacob Warren Gotzels 4G will receive the Benjamin Cardozo Prize of $500 for his thesis entitled, "The Assessment of Personality and Prejudice by the Method of Paired Direct and Projective Questionnaire."
