
Chicago Trib Charges Reds Have Haven at University

Harvard is "a happy hunting ground for Communists, doctrinaire pinks, and radicals of all hues," according to a front page story in Sunday's Chicago Tribune.

Tribune columnist William Fulton spent a week here in March collecting material for his expose. This is the fourth annual report on Communist activities at the University to appear in the Chicago paper.

President Conant gets a thorough going over as a "red hot interventionist and globalist" who shields radicals under the "protective umbrella of academic freedom." For two columns Fulton reiterates his charge that the University a hot bed of subversive activity, but he makes no specific accusations of Communism against any person who is connected with the University.

Mentions Alger Hiss

He does reprint most of the "Reducator" list which Councilman John D. Lynch made public last fall. The list contains the names of 76 faculty members here. After each name appears the number of alleged "Communist front" organizations to which the person named supposedly belonged.


Undergraduates, according to the article, are aware of Communist activity among their fellow students but tend to minimize the danger. They "parrot their professors' phrases about 'academic freedom'," states Fulton, who says he talked with students when he was here.

The Tribune columnist makes much of the fact that Alger Hiss was graduated from the Law School. His was a Roosevelt aide, he notes. Fulton then points out that there are many atomic energy specialists both here and at M.I.T. Linking this with the recent spy trials, he describes Cambridge as a "focal point for subversive activity." M.I.T., he concludes, has its share of "fellow travelers" too.
