
Hutchins to Talk At Spring's First Law Forum Here

Robert M. Hutchins, former Chancellor of the University of Chicago and now a director of the Ford Foundation, will speak on security and the preservation of freedom in the opening program of the Law School Forum's spring series at 8:30 p.m. tonight in the Rindge Tech Auditorium.

Hutchins will be the only speaker at the Forum, thus departing from the usual panel method in which several speakers state their views and then cross examine each other.

After Hutchins' speech, William Y. Elliott, Leroy B. Williams Professor of Government, McGeorge Bundy, instructor in Government, and Chester Alter, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Boston University, will interrogate him.

Sutherland Moderates

Arthur Sutherland, Jr., professor of Law, will moderate this discussion.


Hutchins, long known as a boy wonder of American education, resigned his post as head of the University of Chicago December 19 after serving there for 20 years. During that time he developed the famed Great Books curriculum and the Chicago study-at-your-own-speed program.

The Sidney Hillman Foundation is a joint sponsor of tonight's Forum.

The Foundation has been sponsoring a series of talks by Hutchins in connection with its aim to foster civil liberties and world peace.
