
Squash Club Wins National Title in Chicago Tourney

The varsity squash team won recognition as the number one squad in the country yesterday by taking the team title of the 40th National Squash Tournament at Chicago.

Coach Jack Barnaby's men swept through three rounds of the team competition--which included top squads from New York, Boston, Detroit, Chicago, and several other major cities--with the loss of only two individual matches.

Philly Aced

In the finals of the team tourney, played Sunday afternoon at the Lake Shore Athletic Club, the Crimson blanked Philadelphia, 5 to 0 to win the crown. Captain Henry Foster played brilliant squash to lead his team to victory, rallying from a 2 to 0 deficit to defeat Philadelphia's Carter Fergusson, 3 to 2, by one point in the overtime of the fifth game.

Two previous matches played on Saturday saw the varsity downing both Detroit and New York by scores of 4 to 1. Hugh Nawn, playing number two in the absence of Joe Clark, the Crimson's reg- ular second man, was outstanding in these early matches, winning both by 3 to 0 shutouts. He won by default in the final round.


The Crimson, only college team ever to gain the national crown, has now won it six times. Coach Barnaby played number two on the 1932 squad, the last varsity team to win the title. The present varsity already ranks number one among the country's college teams, with a 6 and 0 record so far this season.

Two Individual Titles

Two members of the Crimson squad have also won individual tournaments this year. Charlie Ufford, who played number three at Chicago, triumphed in the Harvard Club's Invitation tourney in New York last month, and Nawn won the Montreal Athletic Association Invitation tournament in December.

The undefeated freshman team extended its winning streak on Saturday, blanking Philips Exeter, 5 to 0, at Hemenway Gym, for its seventh straight triumph.

The National Finals summary:

Foster (H) defeated Fergusson, 3-2; Nawn (H) defeated Campbell, default; Ufford (H) defeated Ball, 3-2; Bacon (H) defeated Weber, 3-0; Watts (H) defeated Smith, 3-2
