
Du Bois Misses Speech Today

William E. Du Bois '90, anthropologist and a sponsor of the Stockholm Peace Appeal, will not address the Young Progressives tonight as scheduled, Lowell P. Beveridge, Jr. '52, president of the H.Y.P., said yesterday. Simultaneously, he announced that Paul Robeson will speak here Friday to commemorate "Negro History Week."

Du Bois, who was to speak on "Negro Liberation and Peace," was indicted in Washington Friday for failing to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act, a 12-year-old Federal law which requires all persons or organizations representing a foreign power in this country to register with the Justice Department.

Du Bois leaves Boston today after a short stay. He declined to speak "because of a previous engagement." "As far as I know," Beveridge said, "his inability to appear had nothing to do with his indictment."

Besides Du Bois, four other officers of the "Peace Information Center," principal advocate of the Stockholm Appeal, were indicted. Secretary of State Dean Acheson branded the petition as "a propaganda trick . ."
