
Football Cheerleaders Must Know Tumbling

"Energy, bounce and tumbling ability" are prerequisites for cheer leading candidates who wish to make this year's squad, Roger L. Butler '51, head cheerleader, stated yesterday.

Announcing that there are plans for an increase in acrobatic routines and skits at Soldiers Field during the coming football season, Butler concluded that "the tide has turned since the day when a cheerleader needed only a strong set of vocal chords."

Tryouts Today

Tryouts for several open positions on the squad will be held at 4 today in front of Dillon Field House. The competition is open to all college men.

Cheerleaders this year will again have the sue of a private gymnasium complete with mats, supporting ropes, spring boards, and two trampolines.


They plan to stunt extensively during the games, but they will still be bound by a dictum laid down last year by Athletic Director William J. Bingham '14 "not to tumble when either band is playing." The rule was made after the cheerleaders distracted the crowd with their antics which the Dartmouth band was serenading.
