
Sixty Professors Blast Vet's Firing

Sixty members of the faculty yesterday field a petition in Washington protesting the "government's loyalty purge" of a legless Purple Heart veteran, James Kutcher.

Kutcher lost his job as a clerk in the Newark Veterans Administration two years ago because of his membership in the Socialist Workers Party, an organi- zation listed as subversive by the Altorney-General.

The statement deplored the non-indicial use of "guilt by associates" which it termed, "inconsistent with genuine freedom of association and freedom of thought."

"Because we are concerned with both these freedoms," the statement went on "we protest their denial in the case of James Kutcher."

The signees included full professors Finley, Butler, Cole, Emerson, Forbes Fay, Frazier, Gamble, Greene, Haring, Hocking, Howe, Jones, Kelley, Mather, Matthiessen, Merk, Pease, Redfield, Reld Rulon, Schlesinger, Shapley, Singletes, Smith, Starck, Terzaghi, and Wald
