
NSA Groups in Annex, College, Grad Schools Plan Merger in Near Future

Partial amalgamation of the Radcliffe, Graduate School, and College National Student Association groups was announced last night by Kenneth S. Warren '51, publicity director for the College branch. Warren explained that the three groups will coordinate several major activities in the future.

The first of these functions will be the introduction and sales promotion of a new national magazine, "Essay." Contributions for "Essay" will come from the English departments of the 350 schools with NSA affiliation. The magazine will be edited and published in the mid-west.

Publicity and Advertising

Advertising for NSA purchase discounts, as well as publicity for the national organization, will be handled by a joint committee in the future. The discount privileges will not be affected since Graduate School, Annex, and College students are entitled to identical discounts.

Monthly meetings are scheduled to handle all other major problems that can be dealt with jointly. This includes, at present, indoctrination of delegates who will be sent to the annual NSA Convention this summer.


The Graduate School and the college will elect this year's delegates to the national convention this month. Radcliffe selected its two representatives in last Thursday's election.

Delegation Changed

The College NSA delegation make-up was changed last Monday night by the Student Council in the interests of economy. Four delegates, instead of the former eight, will represent the College at the annual NSA convention.

The local NSA groups will attempt to take a unified stand on all issues coming up at association conventions.

Last year's NSA conventions was held in Urbana, Illinois, at the state university.
