
Four Panels Seek To Shed Light on Learning Method

A "Conference on Adjustments in Learning" will be held in Memorial Hall this morning at 9 p.m. Elva E. Knight. President of the National Association of Remedial Teachers, will act as chairman of the meeting, which is under the auspices of her organization and of the Harvard Teachers Association.

Four panels will discuss improvements in educational methods. Harold C. Stuart, director of the Child Health Division of the Children's Medical Center and head of the Department of Maternal and Child Health, Harvard School of Public Health, will lead a panel on Medical Adjustments. The aspects of personality will be handled by Herbert Harris, psychiatrist, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. John W. M. Whiting, lecturer on Education and research associate in the Laboratory of Human Development at Harvard will head a panel on the sociological problems in learning. A fourth group will discuses educational adjustments.
