
Hearing on Election Asked; 'Whole Man' Work to Start

3 Men Board Chosen As Reply to Letter Accusing Council

The Student Council last night voted 11 to 2 to hold an open hearing today on the charges leveled anonymously yesterday against the conduct of the 1950 Permanent Class Committees election.

The hearing will take place at 2:15 p.m. in the Council Room.

One Council member, Roy M. Goodman '50, and two non-Councilmen, James E. Barret, Jr. '51 and Howard W. Robbins '52, class committee chairmen for the juniors and sophomores, will staff the investigating committee with Goodman as chairman. Associate Dean Watson has been asked to advise the hearing committee.

Deadline for a report on today's hearing is 3 p.m. Friday.

Two Hour Debate


Some two hours of debate preceded the Council's decision to hold the hearings. During the discussion two other plans for countering complaints that the class committee elections were "completely bungled" were proposed:

1) David C. Poskanzer '50 said the 24 accusations published in an open letter to the Class of 1950 didn't warrant consideration since the plaintiff didn't reveal his identity. "Consider the man a coward, the points irrelevant . . . the Council need not reply at all,' Poskanzer said.

2) William S. Tyson '49, organizer of the disputed election, urged that the Council publish a reply refuting the attacking letter point by point and explain its reasons for departing for customary election procedure when it did so.

Edward F. Burke '50 Council president, noted that the Council was not obliged to adhere to the provisions of The Paul Report on Class Affairs of 1947. The Paul Report is considered good advice, Burke said, but is not part of the Council constitution.

Burke and several colleagues who ran the disputed election vigorously denied the allegations that they had tampered with the tabulating of the ballots.
