
Huge Shower of Meteors Expected By Astronomers

This weekend, star gazers will be able to see a spectacular shooting star shower. Between now and Sunday, the earth passes through the swarm of little meteorites which seem to emerge from the constellation of the Gemini, the twins.

The University's Blue Hill Observatory claims that the falling stars will vie with the Perseld shower, which appears in the middle of August, as the richest of annual displays. On an ordinary clear night, as many as two or three an hour will fall into the earth's atmosphere causing a visible trail of light that lasts for several minutes before the meteorite burns out.

To see them best, one should be away from bright lights, with a full view of the sky. The fireworks will start about 9 p.m. Moon glow will be at a minimum as the moon is just entering its first quarter. Toward midnight, when the meteors are at their best, it will be out of sight, over the horizon.

Even the ones that shine bright at stars weigh only a few ounces. None are expected to be large enough to reach the earth before the friction with air molecules burns them up.
