

Requests Correction

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

As you must realize, I have gone through a rather lengthy and tiresome procedure through the Superior Court of Ames and the Supreme Court of Ames to correct an error on the part of Mr. Frank Hastings of Langdell and as well to recover the sum due me for the emotional and financial distress he caused me on June 16th, 1950.

The affair as you will remember was caused by a rather unfortunate error on Mr. Hastings' part and his reaction to confusing me with Joe Burns, a well-known Communist singer and propagandist. I feel that my career was sufficiently endangered at that time, without its being again placed in jeopardy by the error you made in your report on page 2, column three, of your issue of October 31, 1950 in calling me John Burns.

Would you in your next issue, retract or correct this mistake, and once and for all clear up this matter in reference to my name. John Byrnes
