
Commuters Plan for First Spring Banquet In History of Dudley

Dudley Hall will have its own "House" dinner this spring for the first time in history, as the result of a vote yesterday by the Commuters' Committee. Although the upperclass Houses hold these dinners annually, the University has never before granted Dudley the necessary funds.

Jack L. Whittaker '52, chairman of the committee, explained that the dinner is part of the Center's program to bring Dudley Hall up to the status of the resident Houses.

The committee's first project of the year was a dance held in the Copley Plaza last Saturday night. This was the only dance Dudley had ever held outside the Hall, and the first outside dance to be given by any House. It was also the best-attended dance ever sponsored by the Commuters.

Breaking precedent again, the committee gave a dinner early this fall, at which Provost Buck commended its effort to make Dudley more attractive and promised to help the Center achieve full recognition. The money for the annual dinners comes through the Provost's office.

During the year, the committee will try to get improvements made in the building.
