
Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Bunche, Welles to Speak This Term

Sir Gladwyn Jebb, Britain's delegate to the United Nations will be a speaker on the United Nations Council this team Sheldon L. Berens '51, spokesman for this group announced last night.

Berens disclosed that Ralph Bunche, the highly successful U.N. mediator on the Palestine crisis, and Sumner Welles ex-Undersecretary of State and now a private citizen, will also appear at the U.N. Council forums.

Besides its program of forums, the U.N. Council has also become the U.N. outlet for the Massachusetts area and will act as a clearing house for U.N. literature, projects, and visitors, that are supposed to filter through this region.

Berens said that the club's members roster for 1950-51, 50 men, was welcome jump above last year's roll call of 30. He attributed the sudden success that the U.N. Council seemed to be enjoying to the boost in prestige that the U.N. has received during the course of the Korean campaign.

The Council, in cooperation with of University, also works at getting the College's foreign students together and making life more pleasant for them.
