
Wallach Drops Drive to Stop Fr. Feeney's G.I. Bill Funds

A law student's campaign to deprive Father Leonard Feeney of his G.I. Bill support ended last night.

Richard W. Wallach '49 1L announced, after a two week investigation of St. Benedict's Center, that he would go no further "because of the legal issues involved."

He stated,"I have put my foot in the door. It is up to someone else to get in there and sell vacuum cleaners."

Wallach started his investigation in an attempt to prove that St. Benedict's Center was an avocational institution and thus ineligible to receive government funds.

The Center receives $10,000 a year from the 25 veterans enrolled, Wallach said. Father Feeney last night refused to comment on Wallach's assertion.


Commenced December 12

Wallach opened the campaign after entering a heated argument with Father Feeney on December 12 on the question of salvation outside the Roman Catholic Church. At that time Father Feeney predicted that Wallach "would get nowhere" with his drive.

Among the reasons Wallach gave for dropping the case was his "uneasiness about the admixture of Church and State when the State would dictate on a religious matter, and especially one this controversial, and also, the possibility of expansion of Federal control of education."

Wallach also cited a recent case where the Governor of Ohio was unable to get the Veterans Administration to act against an allegedly avocational educational institution under the terms of the Readjustment Act (G.I. Bill). Wallach pointed out, "What the Governor of Ohio could not do, a private citizen of Massachusetts probably cannot do."

Wallach proposed last night that others take over his campaign. He said the University "could make an advantageous offer for the property ...; and a veteran in St. Benedict's Center could commerce an action on breach of the implied contract."
