
Near East Study Group Set Up at Dropsie College

Courses Offered to grads in All Aspects of Area; Plan Trains for Government Work

An institute for the study of Israel and the Middle East has just been established at Dropsie College president, announced last week.

The aim of the Institute is to train a limited number of qualified students on a graduate level in Middle east Studies with particular emphasis on the political, social, and economic aspects of the modern and contemporary periods.

The Institute offers courses in the geography, history, economics, political science, ethnology, anthropology, sociology, and literature of the Middle east and Israel, as well as in the languages spoken in that area.

Training will also be afforded to those who are interested in research in the social sciences affecting the Middle East and who may desire to teach such subjects in American colleges.

Graduates may qualify for government service or in social and educational institutions in the Middle East as well as for service with commercial and industrial interests in that area.


Students may take a two-year curriculum which leads to the degree of Master of Arts with optional minimum third year's study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Candidates must have a Bachelor's degree from a recognized college. There is no tuition fee at Dropsie College in any of its departments.
