
Fainsod Travels to Germany To Interview Russian DPs

Merle Fainsod, professor of Government, left the United States by plane yesterday on his way to Germany, where he will spend the summer interviewing Russian displaced persons on a special project for the Russian Research Center.

Fainsod will attempt to get first-hand information on conditions inside Russia by talking to Soviet refugees and DPs who have been in the USSR recently. He will be joined next week in Frankfurt, Germany, by Paul W. Friedrich '49, who will act as a special assistant.

The results of Fainsod's project will be used as general background material at the Research Center or for special studies in the future, officials at the Center said last night. They added that it all depends on what the series of interviews reveal.


The questioning will not be limited to Russians, although Friedrich said last night that there will probably be few non-Russian refugees in Germany who have returned from the Soviet Union in recent months.


Fainsod, who speaks fluent Russian, is the head of the political research at the Research Center. Friedrich has been a research assistant there since February.

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