
Edward F. Burke Elected President As Council Abolishes Class Albums

Chosen by Incoming Council; Goodman Is New Treasurer, McCormick New Secretary

The 1949-50 Council last night elected Edward Farley Burke '50, of Providence, R.I., and Winthrop House president for the coming year.

Also chosen by the new Council were Roy Matz Goodman '51, of New York City and Eliot House as Treasurer; and Patrick Benjamin McCormick '50, of Rocky River, Ohio, and Kirkland House as Secretary.

Burke had been on the Council since November 1947 when he filled a vacancy in the sophomore representation, serving that year as co-chairman of the extra-curricular activities committee, and this year as secretary of the Council. He succeeds Robert L. Fischelis '49 in the high office.

Long Debate

Four men were nominated for the chair: Burke, Goodman, Charles R. Brynteson '50, and David C. Poskanzer '50. Over two hours of debate ensued in which members of the retiring Council and others explained their opinions on the candidates to the new Council.


The argument centered around the merits of Burke and Poskanzer.

Supporters of Burke pointed to his greater experience, especially as an officer of the Council, in dealing with the Deans and other officials, while Poskanzer partisans praised his handling of the committee which produced the Poskanzer report. The final tally gave Burke seven votes, Poskanzer three, and Goodman one.

Poskanzer, Goodman, and Brynteson were nominated for his Treasury, with Poskanzer declining. Goodman won after a short debate, 10 to 3.

With the clock showing 1:45, the Council nominated McCormick and D. Broward Craig '51, for the secretaryship; McCormick won the evening's first close vote, by 7 to 6.

Other Business

Other Council business of the evening included final allocation of up to $600 to Adams for a washing machine, with the understanding that Adams would pay back the money within two years; brief discussion of a report on charities drives next year, the whole question being postponed until the last old Council meeting of the year; and appointment as alternate delegates to the National Student Association of Burke and George W. Miller '52.
