
Nine Stops Northeastern, 7-2; 150-Pound Crew Defeats MIT

Varsity, Jayvee, Freshman Lightweights Bear Engineer Crews for Second Week in Row

Crimson lightweight crews Saturday repeated last week's after-dark triumphs over MIT on the Charles by trimming the Engineers easily in all three 150-1b races.

Rowing the Henley distance of a mile and five-sixteenths, the varsity fifties were impressive as they took a quick load and held it. The margin was half a length going under the Harvard bridge, and by the time the finish line was crossed the Crimson had an open-water victory of ever a length.

So complete was the Crimson domination that stroke Jack Smith didn't raise the beat above 31 until the last 20 strokes when he hiked it to 36. The Crimson was timed at 6:50.0, five seconds ahead of the Engineers.

The jayvee lightweights won their race by the biggest margin of any of the after over MIT on the Charles by trimming noon's seven crew races. Although MIT got the better start the Crimson soon overhauled the easily tiring Engineers to finish in 6:55.3, ten seconds and two and a half lengths ahead.

The freshman fifties won their race by two lengths, one length less than last week's victory margin. Tabor Academy entered its varsity boat in the race, but the prop schoolers were a tired third. The Yardlings' time was 7:00.2.


The opening race of the afternoon was combination affair with the third varsity fifties, the second freshman fifties, and Tabor's second shell competing.

The varsity summaries:

Harvard, first, 6:50.5

MIT, second, 6:55.5
