
PBK Chooses Eight Juniors, 30 Graduates

Scholastic Aces of Class of 1950 Honored; Graduates Get Belated 'Recognition'

A detailed article about the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Society--its history, method of election, and current activities--appears on page four.

Phi Beta Kappa announced the election of eight Juniors and 30 recent mid-year and summer graduates to its membership yesterday. The choices were made at a meeting held Monday in the Eliot Senior Common Room.

Four of the successful Juniors, who are chosen from the twelve highest ranking members of the Class of 1950, are from Lowell House, two are from Eliot, one from Adams, and one is a Cambridge resident.

The new Junior members are:

Robert Lovett Ashenhurst '50 of Chicago and Lowell House; Geoffrey Doughlas Bust '50 of Cambridge and Eliot House; Francis Fenghstang Chen '50 of New York City and Eliot House; Giles Constable '50 of 23 Chaigie Street, Cambridge; Samuel Isaac Epstein '50 of Dorchester and Lowell House; Thomas Fulton '51 of Long Island City, New York; Frank Slagle Ham '50 of Washington and Lowell House; and Unrich Ernst Kruse '50 of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Lowell House.


The 30 newly elected graduate members of Phi Beta Kappa, have been sel- acted because Phi Beta Kappa thought their overall college records merit recognition for scholastic achievement. They are:

Donald John Alderson '49 of Milton; Remi Jere Cadoret '49 of Scranton, Pennsylvania; Robert Carswell '49 of Brooklyn, New York; Ernest Frank Chase, Jr. '50 of Cambridge; Melvin Abbott Conant, Jr. '46 of Cambridge; Burton Spencer Dreben '49, of St. Louis; Alan Howard Friedman '49 of Brooklyn, New York York; John Henry Hagan, Jr. '49 of Port Chester, New York; Richard Haven '50 of Welfeboreo, New Hampshire; John William James '50 of Birghton: Richard Paul Janaor '49, of Medford; Edward Ellsworth Jones '49 of Buffalo, New York; Alvin Kahn '49 of Upper Montclair, New Jerscy; Louis Frederick Klein, Jr. '49 of West Roxbury; Saul Kravetz '48 of Brooklyn, New York; Benjamin Hammet Lacy '49 of Dubuue, towa; Hugh Gregory Langley '49 of St. Catherine, Ontario, Canada; Christopher Michael Martin '49 of Newark, New Jersery; Joseph Francis Ryan, Jr. '49 of West Roxbury; Paul Sack '48 of Younkers, New York; Eli Jacob Sagau '48 of South Orange, New Jersey; Howard Hugh Schless '46 to Philadelphia; Noel Marshall Seeburg, Jr. '46 of Chicago; Garabad Shargabian '48 of Roxbury; Jason Loonard Starr '49 of Mattapan; Robert Brown Voitle, Jr. '50 of Pttsburgh, Pennsylvania; Richard Wingard Wallach '49 of New York City; and Christopher, Wright '49 of Chicago
