
N.E. Harvard Clubs Gather Here April 9

Members and Officers of 28 New England Clubs Will Tour New Buildings in University

Officers and members of the 28 New England Harvard Clubs will gather Saturday, April 9 for a regional meeting. It will be sponsored jointly by the University, the Associated Harvard Clubs, and the Harvard Club of Boston.

According to David M. Little '17, Secretary to the University, its purpose is to familiarize the local alumni with the current Harvard situation. Proceedings will begin with a buffet luncheon at Lowell House, and the afternoon will be spent visiting the newer parts of the University under the guidance of members of the Crimson Key Society.

Trippers See Cambridge

The tour will include Lamont Library, the Computation Laboratory, and possibly the exhibition of early Harvard scientific instruments in Mallinckrodt Hall.

The Harvard Club of Boston is the scene of activities from 5:30 p.m. on. At 6:30 p.m. a dinner will be held, with President Conant, Provost Buck, and Dean Bender speaking briefly on "Harvard in a Changing World."


In addition to New England alumni, William M. Aiken '18, president of the Associated Harvard Clubs, is expected to attend.
