
Penn Quintet Hands Varsity 15th Straight Defeat, 78-63

Like an oft-repeated tale, it was the same story all over again at the Indoor Athletic Building last night as Harvard dropped its fifteenth straight basketball game, this time to the University of Pennsylvania, by a score of 78 to 63.

Penn led at the half, 35 to 26.

The Crimson showed life only in spurts, and it was this lack of sprit, plan the ability of an opponent well-versed in ball handling and able to control, the backboards, that brought on the downfall of Coach Bill Barclay's quintet.

Bill Prior, who swished them in from right and left in the pivot position, was high scorer for Harvard with 19 points. Bob Carlson led the victors with 21 points. Fighting Walt McCurdy, who at times seemed the only man from the Crimson able to follow the ball on the floor, hit the hoops for 12 points.

Harvard got off to a good start, pulling to a four point lead in the opening minutes. A burst of life from the Quakers, however, soon put them ahead where they stayed until the final buzzer. HARVARD (63)   g  f  p Rockwell, lf  2  0  4 Gabler  0  0  0 Bramhall, rf  0  1  1 McCurdy  5  2  12 Prior, c  8  2  19 Smith  3  2  8 Covey, lg  3  2  8 Gannon, rg  1  0  2 Crosby  0  0  0 Davis  2  2  6 Petrillo  1  1  3 Total  25  13  63
