
Pudding Has Conservative Plans for '49

Latin-American Musical Slated For Opening Early in March; Production Costs Reduced

After the severe financial drubbing which it absorbed last year, the Hasty Pudding is planning a somewhat less extravagant annual theatrical for 1949.

By the time it finished a road trip, the cost of the 1948 production had soared to $50,000 and had put the show irretrievably in the red. This year's "Tomorrow is Manana" will go on the boards March 11 for one-fifth that cost.

John Carroll '49 and Clement B. Wood Jr. '47 wrote the show, a Latin-American musical comedy, and Anthony Bonner '46 did the music. The book concerns a dictator of a petty Latin-American state who tries to make his country a United States in miniature. All he knows about the Leviathan to the north, though, is what he has learned from reading Life magazine for 26 years. This plot twist brings in a standard repertoire of North American racketeers, movie stars, etc.

Charles Blake, a specialist in amateur shows, will direct the Pudding offering, James Venable is choreographer, and Alan F. Winslow '47 is in charge of production for Hasty Pudding.

The entire daily run-Sundays excepted of "Tomorrow in Manana" will take place in the Pudding clubhouse this year.


Casting for the forthcoming show will being at the Pudding clubhouse at 2 p.m. today.
