
Student Charities Open Intensive Drive Tonight

Goal Ten Dollars per Student As Solicitors Start to Work For College, National Causes

Combined Charities canvassers will start thumping on student doors tonight as they open a one-week campaign to get $10 from every student in the College.

More than 350 solicitors--the largest group ever to serve as canvassers--will seek money for six major student charities. The Student Council has promised this will be the only time this year students will be asked to make donations.

Twenty per cent of the money gained in the drive goes automatically to the Council, unless students specify a different distribution.

Fearing that "last year we talked the much about money and not enough about charity," the Drive's directors have reffused to set a specific goal, except to surpass last year's record of $23,000. They have asked for $10 per student, which would mean a maximum expectation of almost $50,000.

"We're not going to miss one student this year," says vice-chairman Leonard C. Gordon '51. The solicitors will keep returning to student rooms every night until they get their man, Gordon said, and if they fail after six days, they'll leave a note in the mailbox.


Students can assign their money to any of six student charities: the World Student Service Fund, the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students, the Salzburg Seminar, Phillips Brooks House, the American Field Service International Scholarships, and Student Council Scholarships, or to any other national or local charity they choose.

Five charities will benefit from Radcliffe's Combined Charities Drive starting today and running through Friday. Students will be asked to contribute to one or all of the listed organizations; the Boston Community Fund. Children's Medical Center, Kobe College is Japan, the National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Student, and the World Student Service Fund.

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