
Kirkland Will Not Publish Yearbook Due to Fund Lack, Declining Interest

One of the few remaining House year-books, Kirkland's Deacon's Testament, will not be published this year, House Committee Chairman Bruce Harriman '50 announced last night. He said that the immediate cause for the Testament's demise was a $250 loss on last year's edition.

Harriman attributed this loss to the declining interest shown in the Testament since the war. He pointed out that this lack of interest in a House yearbook had resulted in a decline in the Testament's literary and photographic quality.

Kirkland residents will have some record of House activities this year even without a yearbook, because the new College Album will have ten pages allotted to each House, Harriman announced.

One valuable item in the Testament had been a list of home addresses of Kirkland House members. Harriman said that he hoped the House Committee could continue this service by mimco-graphing such a list for distribution to each man in the spring.
