
Harvard Grads Trim 'B' Squash Team, 3-2

Jack Barnaby's league-leading varsity "B" squash team of the metropolitan league bowed yesterday, 3 to 2, to the Harvard Graduates in a match at Hemenway Gym.

Hugh Nawn and George Plimpton were the two Crimson players who edged their alumni opponents. Nawn won, 3 to 1, and Plimpton, 3 to 0.

This afternoon Corey Wynn's freshman squad meets the Maugus Club of Wellesley in a metropolitan class "C" league game at Hemenway.

The Yardlings, undefeated in scholastic matches, are only a few points out of first place in the metropolitan league. Coach Wynn says his current freshmen make up "the deepest team I've over had." All top-seeded men are veterans of prep school play.

Today's probable starters are: Jim Bacon, Mug Mugaseth, Austin Flagg, Wister Wood, and Captain Sam Hoar.
