
Quintet Seeks To Get Started Against Lions

Lanky Ed Smith will move into the starting lineup tomorrow night when Bill Barclay's varsity basketball squad meets Columbia down in the Lions' den.

Smith, who paced the team in scoring against Princeton last Wednesday night with 13 points, will replace Bill Prior in the pivot spot. The switch is an effort to bolster the Crimson offense which hasn't shown too much power thus far this season. The team will be shooting to end a losing streak which has reached eight games.

The rest of the starting lineup remains unchanged since the Princeton game. This means John Rockwell and Pete Petrille at forward, and Chip Gannon and Dick Covey in the guard positions.

Lion's Roar Muffled

Columbia has won the league title for the past two seasons, but this year most of its scoring punch is gone. It has a one and one record in EIBL competition, although it has won all but two games this season.


Four lettermen are back, including Sherry Marshall, but most of last season's standouts are gone, including its three top scorers, Walt, Budko, Bruce Ghorke, and Al Vogel. Other returnees include Herb Poch, Norm Skinner, and Bill Lockwood.

The Crimson will catch a train tomorrow morning for New York. After facing the Lions, it gets a layoff of almost a month for exams.
